Currently in the middle of reading through 2 Corinthians.
I have been really struck with the reality of Paul's life and situation. Too often we see him with historical hindsight as a giant of faith, a semi-human hero of the Christian life for whom life was never a struggle and nothing evry slipped from his grasp.
Well, the reality of this man is quite different. And, in turn, the reality of living for and in Jesus is also quite different from the glorious procession of blessing that some advocate. Paul's claim to know the comfort of god is not an abstract concept. It comes from the deep struggle of a heart longing to serve god, and facing trouble and hardship on all sides, yet finding solace and hope in the presence of his father.
The first chapter begins with Paul reporting un explained troubles in Asia. there is specualtion thjat this may have something to do with the troubles he experienced in Ephesus as documented in Acts, but we aren't sure. What we are sure of is that this situation drove Paul to his lowest ebb, his long night of the soul. It says that he felt the sentence of death within him :
"We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life."
But this is not how it stayed:
"But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. 10He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, 11as you help us by your prayers."
If we pretend never to face any troubles, we cannot really find that peace that passess all understanding. Keep your front erected and never let God into the dark places - and they'll stay dark. Only that which is un-confessed cannot be forgiven.
Comfort is not trite, the spiritual equiavlent of a stroke and tea & sympathy. Comfort reaches you where you are, re-orientates you, and gives you renewed hope and vision for the future. It doesn't let you wallow, but refreshes you , lifts you to have another go.
peace Y'all
Matt Crossman