In the sub culture where I dwell (ipods, gigs and tours , funky arty weird) there is a high value placed on creativity. The most damning accusation that can be levelled at a new band is that "they sound just like ..." - the new is what's important, and the new frequently doesn't last more than a year. Note the procession of one album bands recently.
As a lead worshipper and muso, I act like a cultural sponge. I often soak worldly values and then work them out in an implicit manner. I beleive recently that I've swung too far into looking for the new in worship, being disatisfied with my songs if they don't match my wordly song writers head and desire to be cool.
This morning God humbled me, but humbled me with His Love so as to re-assure me and build me up eventually. There are a few songs I dislike because they are a bit cheesey. My ipod scanned to one of these this morning - I would usually skip on, but something began to stir. Then these words
"Now I am forgiven, I have been set free, by the blood of Jesus I have been made clean. Now I know of His mercy, because he died for me, i have been redeemed"
I've been struggling with some stuff - me stuff and relationship stuff. Now I know of His mercy toward sinful little inadequate me.
"My grace is sufficient for you; My power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Cor 12
So this simple little ditty and simple chords ( I V IV V I if your that way inclined, which I am) reached me and allowed god to speak to me.
I had a simple encounter with a truly staggeringly awesome god through a simple song. Tears on my face even, as I stood by the BRI waiting to cross Park row with the rest of Bristol.
Striving for perfection is worthy, but there comes a point when we need to rest from these endeavours and allow the gracious God to meet us where we are.
Matt Crossman