I�ve been thinking a lot about this. Where you have two people there are two wills. There will always be a divided opinion. Where those people are selfishly motivated, then the wills will be in opposite directions, causing friction. Rather than enjoying the coming together of wills as a gift, things then slip into petty power plays over who gets more of their own way.
I think if you get into a relationship, you have to be able to be able (sorry for that little verbal clumsiness) to say �my will NOT be done�. And to be ok about that. And how do we get into this state which Eugene Peterson calls �willed passivity�, but by finding that one relationship has been willed by one who desires never change, who�s love never wavers , who�s goodness endures, who�s mercy never fails ..?
Please, let�s all relax. Let�s seek the best for each other, and not be so concerned about our own paths and visions that we miss the opportunity to serve and worship God RIGHT NOW. If Christ is in me, then Christ in a whole bunch of people in Bristol, the UK and the world, and in history.
Ok so I�m angry for a friend right now � no details, but in the guise of being loving the one was demanding huge sacrifices and controlling the other causing emotional and spiritual damage because the guy just can�t relax and stop worrying.
I got news for us all. God�s name, as Loius Giglio tells us form the bible story of Moses before the burning bush, is I AM. Or more precisely, I AM, that I AM, or �Be�. I Be is God�s name.
So I am not. You can go ahead and put anything in front of that. I am not in control, in charge, the saviour of anyone.
Seriously , your four score years and ten are but a breath. Your career is blink in the eye of God. There�s no marriage in eternity, so let�s not get too het up about it now. Its useful , an oh yeah, its great and fantastic too, but the eternal purpose is to make you more like Christ, �cos Christ�s relationship with church is like that of a bride and bridgegroom. It's a gift. Its not essential.
What matters then? Well, everything you do in Christ, based on his foundation. That sure as anything lasts, see the end of 1 cor as we�ve said before here.
Could it be that loving others as yourself is the key to it all?