I try not to watch big brother, but I was flicking while the OC was on a break (a real area of weakness. I watch little tv that isn't sport or news, but this is the exception), and found someone using the word f**k as an adjective, verb and noun in the same sentence.
The character described as " the Manc-Chinese Wee Jimmy Krankie" screamed yesterday
"why don't you just f**k off, you f**king centre of attention f**k!"
Now, is it just me or does this not make any degree of sense? I could take offence at being called lots of things, but what is a 'F**K', singular? being called a f**king w**ker at least gives me a starting point from which to wonder what a f**king one of these actually is. It's important - you are a f**k means you are sexual intercourse. It's actually quite surreal ...
I think she is a student. You will meet people in your life who just LOVE swearing, and love the F word so much that they cannot concieve of expressing something as being important and or annoying without reference ot it. See bridget jones ...
Well, it was intended to have an opposite meaning but I was once described as The Sex. And one can be sexy... so why not?
you take a noun and make it a verb.
As calvin said, "Verbing weirds language"
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