This is such a great word. Satisfying to say, fantastically apt , almost onamatepoeic in its description.
Right now I feel gutted. Dissaspointed doesn't quite cut it. Miffed is too twee - who says miffed these days in any case? Its only one step from miffed to drat and bother, and then you may as well consign yourself to years of cultural anachronism.
Neither will dashed or bothered do. Gutted it is, and always shall be.
Gutted suggest a down spiral of the orchestra of your life's soundtrack, circling downward, ever downward as the wheels fall off your plans. When the weight of expectation and excitement was too much to bear, to have it taken from you , you think, hey , that was mine!
I think its a geographical thing. Gutted feels gutted because you feel it in your stomach. And in the upper chest. Its like a strange, uncomfortable electricty bubbling just beneath the surface. Hopes dashed . Guuuted. Must resist urge to drink plenty of London pride with gutted ex home office workers.
Eh? What's happened?
I say "miffed". But then again, I also say "groovy". I've been told I sound like an old hippie.
Old hippies are sellouts, all the best ones died young.
I totally know that feeling Matt, so I can offer my sympathies (but I won't pry, unlike some old hippies around here)
I think this one will remain a mystery to all but me. And one other person but that person doesn't read the blog so its cool.
I worked out I'm never knowingly underopinionated.
I think I'm a retro futurist
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