Is it right to describe a preacher as a 'gifted motivational speaker' as so many do? Is this what really matters? Is teh chruch so flabby we need endless cajoling and nudging? Isn'tit one step form this to the self help Gospel of Osteen et al?
I refer you to the shortest and most perfect pep talk ever, on the brink of the biggest god project ever, displacing an entire race:
11 But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"
12 And God said, "I WILL BE WITH YOU. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you [a] will worship God on this mountain."
I think I'm happy to look for the speaker who is an excellent communicator of God's Words. We're blessed with them at Woodies. The biggest indicator of a preacher's angle would be to hypothetically ask what difference it would make if they weren't allowed to use the bible. For some I have heard at festivals this summer it would make no difference whatsoever. for others, notably Jo Saxton and John Piper ( , it would cripple them.
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so is using the bible or hearing directly your preferred option at a preach?
oo and matt i reckon you would love toggie tales - religion v. relationship
I don't know - Brother Andrew was very bible and also very story / relational.
It was a quick question really - preaches are more relavant and easier to hear adn apply when they involve personal relation - but when that's all there is you aren't really building up or equpping the hearer for their won devotions.
I just think if you model good exegesis and study poeple pick it up themselves such that their own bible reading is refreshed. if we're just looking looking for new stories then we can become a bit weak . . . ?
Like I say, it's about balance. Personal experience of God's word in action and also God's word!
Plus there's also the overlay of God's gifting for teachers, which like all things given by God involves a bit of titus esque fanning into flame. But Billy Graham was and is not a exceptional 'motivational' speaker, just a communicator of God's words and a faitful, humble man of God
I guess that's what i want to be like, faithful and humble, . You know; more like Jesus.
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