Monday, February 27, 2006

Sod it or blog it

Sometimes in life we are just not in control. This should be a permanent mental attitude for the Christian, at least in some senses, in terms of believing that God has and has always had the whole of human history in His hands. Things are on track for the kingdom of God right now.

But in the detail certain situations come where despite your best efforts, a combination of your own failings and another�s lack of interest contrive to make you look like a fool. Or feel like one.

I�m facing a big questions just now � in choosing some things I felt I was somehow doing the right thing by another person. My choices have been taken, then taken for granted, and ultimately the goal for which I made those hard choices has been denied.

How do feel in these situations? Have we wasted our efforts, our energies and time? My naturally inclination is to think "well, sod it. What a waste of time".

The Christian hope pervades all elements of human life and emotion. Jesus� resurrection was on the first day of the week, bringing with it the dawn of a new and better age, which will finally be consummated in His return. We live in between this time. In the �now and not yet�.

By degrees, God is working His purpose out. We need a proper perspective on the past, done and assured victory of the cross and the surely to come return of Jesus. If we place too much inference on the Kingdom yet�to-come, we cut ourselves off from the world. To quote NT Wright, if all we have to look forward to Armageddon is coming, then why bother with third world debt, climate change or acid rain? If, conversely, the cross is our only focus, and God is no longer active in the world, we are bound to trying to make the Kingdom come through our own ineffective efforts.

Yet again, there is a middle path, and it�s to be found in 1 Corinthians, chpt 3. Chapter 15, riding on the crest of a wave of a full and glorious description of the resurrection life, of the final coming of Jesus, finishes not with a fanfare of praise, but an exhortation for us to hold firm, immovable, and the assurance that our labours are not in vain.

Our labours are not in vain.

Whatever you do based on the unique, once and for all foundation of the new and living hope, the new age of God laid down in Christ will last. If you build based on the redemption of mankind back into relationship with God, out of the power of the spirit, with prayer, living a life of worship and sacrifice for the sake of Him, you do not labour in vain. It will last. Store up treasures in heaven, in your character and heart.

We are capable of being Kingdom people in the here and now. The more concerned we are with the state of our character, the more like Jesus we become now, the more at home we will be in the future.

So the hope for me � where I have strived to love as Jesus did, where I allowed God to work in me, to teach me, to refine me, where I looked to model trust and love as a choice, I did not labour in vain. I can only hope that at least some fraction of what I experienced and chose was out of that spirit.

For the rest, sinful as I am, God�s not done with me yet. Mercies new every morning. One degree at a time �


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Be Prayin

Going through some craziness just now - God needs me to be strong where I am weak and loving where I am hurt. I know apart from Him I have no good thing, and also that where much is required, much is received.

It's amazing that in this mess that God is faithful - two thoughts have been foremost in my mind.

1. The depth of the mystery and delight of the cross. The cross shows me I was bought at a price, that when God suffered he suffered for me, so I must have worth. Whatever I am facing, becoming more like Christ through the power of His death and resurrection will help me in every situation.

"When Satan tempts me to despair, and tells me of the guilt within
Upward I look and see Him there, who made an end to all my sin.
Because the sinless Saviour died / my sinful soul is counted free
For God the just is satisfied to look on Him and pardon me"

2. If we choose to serve God, sometimes we will have to choose to suffer rather than sin. This is the oppsite to how I have been living, choosing to give into sin rather than condiering Jesus and what he endured for me.

"I givgen like a beggar and lived like the rich, crafted myself a more comfortable cross
But what I am called to is deeper than this. You can have my whole life, Jesus have it all"

So like I say, be praying. "We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly 'til the end the confidence we had at first". As i've writtenm in this blog b4, sometimes to share in Christ is to share His sufferings (2 Corinthians). Choosing to care about what he cares about will break your heart sometimes.



Matt Crossman