Friday, September 22, 2006

Geoff; Bob; Keith

Where is all this going, I sense my emotions quizzing my intellect. My intellect replies in cold terms that it’s not in charge of direction, merely the rational executions of the decisions of my will. The will in itself pipes up and asks why the emotions have to be so damn touchy feely about the whole thing and then we’re back to square one.

I’m learning to embrace these little lulls and bouts of melancholia. They mostly arise when public transport goes awry, but also when Manchester City go on a downward spiral. How I am not a manic depressive on these terms I don’t know . . . in any case. Back to informed and emotionally aware blogging.

Do you ever ask rhetorical questions to the ether in the hope that you might discover what you feel you’re lacking? I am lacking something at the moment – it feels like I’ve had and lost something in my spirituality, though that might be down to rounded on to do JOBS rather than be part of something. As far as being defined by my roles goes I’ve messed up a bit.

Why don’t I live in Plymouth?

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