Friday, June 16, 2006

and relax ....

Everybody just needs to take a breather I think.

Last night we introduced two Americans to the joys of world cup football when it matters. Joy and Mirial (beating us limeys hands down on the name stakes BTW - Tom, Matt and Sam don't really match up) were hugged kissed and generally thrown round the pub as crouchy stooped from his 20ft perch to nod to ball down into the top corner.

but what this post is about is what happened after. the Kookie Kollektiv went back to the Nevil Kommunity house of Love for some mean fajitas. Dani, Claire, Will, Andy, Joy, Mirial, Tom and ultimately Jim and Jules. With the exception of Jules , single people all and loving it. Two bottle of wine, some quality laughs, running up and down the street singing eye of the tiger wrapped in the stars and stripes ...

I am very blessed with some quality, godly friends. We live a very blessed and lavish life, guys. Relax. Blog ends


1 comment:

Roberto said...

Relax after a performance like that?