Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My Lovely Housemate Julian and His brand gullibility

Julian is, in many respects, the perfect housemate. Kind, gentle, generous, an amazing chef and man of God.

However Julian likes to buy new and exciting versions of exisitng brands. They are magic to him, sparkling with excitement and 'brave new world' possibility.

However, frequently these new brands are, quite honestly dreadful.

Exhibit A: Muller yogurt Cheesecake flavours. Very nice on their own, when flavoured with aneamic and salty bits of biscuit, awaful

Exhibit B. Lemon and Lime Jaffa ckes: Leaving aside the great nevil road jaffa controversy (cake or biscuit?) these are truly, momumentally disgusting in every way. Not only do they test ones intestinal fortitude, they pollute the entire biscuit tin with their foul odour. a disaster.

However in Julians favour

Exhibit C: The milk chocolate caramel hobnob: Delectable.

Honestly, if it aint broke don't fix it


Marts said...

Im liking the lime though..does that make me weird?

MattCrossman said...


Phil C said...

This road can lead to bad places. It is still unproven, but a widely held belief in conspiracy circles, that clear Colas may have contributed to the first Gulf War. Think about it.

MattCrossman said...

Tab clear has been proven to be the preferred drink of despots, tyrants and all round nasty peopl eevrywhere

Marts said...

So where does Vanilla Coke fit into all of this?

Dare i ask about Dr Pepper??

Sarah Bainbridge said...

vanilla diet coke is a genius unvention - cons your cravings for something a bit sweet but with no calories - genius!

toxic, but genius!

Phil C said...

I concur. Vanilla Coke gives life!

MattCrossman said...

all of you who post positively on the brand cross over phenomena have, quite clearly in my view, never had the misfortune to taste the purest evil that is a lime jaffa cake.

I will henceforth be putting a restrictive code for commenting which will only allow comment from the knowledgeable in this area

Phil C said...

(Stuggle) But... (Gasp) ... I ... (Strangle) ... okay... (Deep breath) I BOUGHT BLACKBURRANT JAFFA CAKES THE OTHER DAY AND I REALLY LIKED THEM! I ATE THE WHOLE PACKET!

Lime? Wouldn't touch 'em with a barge pole.

Phil C said...

I, of course, meant BLACKCURRANT.

Shouting does my elocution few favours.

MattCrossman said...

what can I say? It's a sick world. please consider yourself ostricised from my society until furtehr notice.


MattCrossman said...

fuhrer notice - thuis is when adolf hitler runs your diary and decides when you are free and then tells you