Thursday, August 31, 2006

À bientôt, j'espère

Well since Roberto is the undisputed king of the blogosphere and Old Man Dave and Ruth are now fellow bloggers, it's time for to take my leave.

I am going to a lovely Gites about two hours away from La Rochelle for two whole weeks. I simply cannot wait to get away from the craziness and drink lost of stubbies and cheap red, eat amazing cheeses and BBQ anything that MOVES.

In the mean time I leave you with one of life's great imponderables which I invite you to ponder at your leisure. Improbably.

What's on my face?



Roberto said...


I'm gonna go for the obvious... spectacles?

Jammin said...

Is it just me who can't read Old Man Dave's blog? Or am I missing a joke here...

Mercy! The suspense is killing me!